Built-in dependencies ("Metapackages")


Metapackages are experimental! Please help us improve them by submitting issues to the fpm repository.

Most real-world applications require dependencies that are not self-contained Fortran packages; but rather involve libraries with system-dependent installation steps, often provided with multiple language interfaces. As of 0.8.3, fpm supports the automated discovery, and binding, of a subset of such libraries to packages via the metapackage feature.

Metapackages can be enabled in the manifest in the [dependencies] section, just by recalling their name. Here is how one enables OpenMP in a package:

name = "my_openmp_package"
dependencies.openmp = "*"

which is equivalent to

name = "my_openmp_package"
openmp = "*"


Metapackages are enabled using the "*" wildcard, meaning any version, not with a boolean flag. Version requirements are not yet supported and will be introduced in a future release.

Several pre-built examples can be found in fpm's example_packages/metapackage_* folders under the fpm installation directory.

fortran-lang Standard Library (stdlib)

This dependency automatically downloads the latest release of the fortran-lang standard library and adds it to the project as a git dependency.

name = "with_stdlib"
dependencies.stdlib = "*"

fortran-lang MINPACK

This dependency automatically downloads the release v2.0.0-rc1 of the modernized fortran-lang MINPACK and adds it to the project as a git dependency.

name = "with_minpack"
dependencies.minpack = "*"


This dependency automatically adds appropriate compiler flags to enable OpenMP support compiling and running fpm targets.

name = "my_openmp_package"
dependencies.openmp = "*"


name = "my_parallel_app"
dependencies.mpi = "*"

MPI is supported for Fortran, C and C++ languages. fpm will perform system-specific steps to find and match available MPI libraries on your system with the fpm compiler. fpm will first search for standard MPI compiler wrappers (mpifort, mpif90, mpif77, mpicc, mpicxx, ...), then try to match them with the current fpm compiler for Fortran, C and C++.

If no wrappers are available in your path, they can be enabled setting environment variables MPICC, MPICXX, MPIFC, MPIF90 or MPIF77 in your shell. For IntelMPI, fpm will also look up environment variables I_MPI_CC, I_MPI_CXX and I_MPI_f90 for wrappers as well as I_MPI_ROOT. When a wrapper-compiler match is found, its queried to retrieve the appropriate compiler and runner commands, as well as build and link flags.

Special steps are taken on Windows for the MSMPI package. the MS-MPI SDK should be installed to enable building projects with MS-MPI support. Furthermore, MS-MPI is only available in combination with the MSYS2 GNU compiler suite and pre-built Fortran modules for MS-MPI. The MS-MPI installation is looked up through the MSMPI_BIN environment variable, by searching for mpiexec.exe in the local path, or in the default folder, C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin\.

MPI applications can be run manually using mpirun or mpiexec, or directly via fpm using the fpm run command. In the latter case, the MPI runner will use the default number of processes on the current node. To customize the MPI runner command, the --runner and --runner-args options should be used, for example:

./fpm run --runner=" sbatch script.sh"
./fpm run --runner-args=" -np 12 -N 2"

Note that --runner can be used to override the default runner command (mpiexec or mpirun), while --runner-args should be used to pass arguments to the runner itsef, e.g., the number of processes.

Currently verified system configurations are:

  • MacOS/x86_64 + GCC + OpenMPI (via brew)

  • MacOS/x86_64 + GCC + MPICH (via brew)

  • Linux/x86_64 + GCC + OpenMPI (via apt)

  • Linux/x86_64 + GCC + MPICH (via apt)

  • Linux/x86_64 + Intel + IntelMPI (via apt)

  • Windows/x86_64 + MinGW + MSMPI (via msys2)

  • Windows/x86_64 + Intel oneAPI + IntelMPI (via offline installer)


MPI C++ support on macOS is missing because homebrew is built with clang, whose C++ ABI is incompatible with the GNU C++ ABI needed to link against gfortran.


name = "my_science_app"
dependencies.hdf5 = "*"

HDF5 is supported for Fortran, C and C++ languages. The pkg-config backend is employed by fpm to find a valid local HDF5 installation, so, please insure that pkg-config is also available when using this metapackage.

Both the default and the high-level (HL) interfaces are linked against if available.

  • On Ubuntu, special steps are taken to ensure HL are added.

  • On Ubuntu with oneAPI compilers, CMake HDF5 installations are supported (apt versions only support gfortran).


Codes using HDF5 built with oneAPI compilers should not have the -standard-semantics flag: it changes module name mangling from _mp_ to _MP_ which makes HDF5 modules unavailable.