文章 Giannis Nikiteas

Fpm version 0.11.0 released

The latest release of the Fortran Package Manager (FPM) brings several maintenance updates, bug fixes, and performance improvements. This version also introduces new features such as support for HDF5 metapackages via pkg_config, enhanced parsing for abstract interfaces, and the ability to install test programs. Additionally, compliance with Fortran standards has been improved, along with better handling of Windows-specific issues and Intel Fortran Compiler (ifx) support.


Fpm version 0.10.0 released

The latest release of the Fortran Package Manager (FPM) showcases a range of updates geared towards enhancing functionality and user experience. Key improvements include significant advancements in MPI support, now allowing the usage of MPI modules in metapackages. On the command line interface, a --dry-run option for fpm publish has been added, allowing users to simulate the publishing process. This release also brings various bug fixes and performance improvements. For a full list of changes please see below.


Fpm version 0.9.0 released

Registry and Metapackages.


Fpm 0.8.0 版本发布



Fpm 0.7.0 版本发布

此版本在 fpm.toml 清单中引入了预处理器支持,允许预处理器宏、文件后缀和应该运行预处理器的目录。此功能是 Arteev Raina 的 Google Summer of Code 2022 项目的一部分。此外,除了 Fortran 和 C 之外,fpm 现在还能够编译 C++ 源文件。最后,添加了在 fpm.toml 清单中定义编译器配置文件的能力,尽管配置文件设置当前未在构建过程中使用。
