文章 Brad Richardson

Fpm version 0.10.0 released

The latest release of the Fortran Package Manager (FPM) showcases a range of updates geared towards enhancing functionality and user experience. Key improvements include significant advancements in MPI support, now allowing the usage of MPI modules in metapackages. On the command line interface, a --dry-run option for fpm publish has been added, allowing users to simulate the publishing process. This release also brings various bug fixes and performance improvements. For a full list of changes please see below.


Fpm 0.8.1版发布



Fpm 0.5.0 版本发布

我们在此版本中修复了大量错误,并对围绕 fpm 的工具进行了大量改进,例如持续交付和 Windows 安装程序。新功能包括更好的编译器/链接器选择和改进的构建后端(仅在需要时构建测试,正确跟踪链接依赖关系)。
