Téléversement d’un paquet

Les paquets peuvent être téléversés vers le registre officiel à l’aide de la commande fpm publish. Après un téléversement réussi, les utilisateurs peuvent rechercher le paquet et l’utiliser dans leurs projets. Mais attention, une fois qu’un paquet est téléversé, il ne peut pas être supprimé. Si vous souhaitez apporter des modifications à un paquet, vous devrez créer une nouvelle version du paquet et l’envoyer.

fpm version 0.8.2 and higher is required to upload packages to the registry.


We are currently building and testing the registry. All uploaded packages will be deleted after the testing period (in June 2023)



Avant de pouvoir téléverser un paquet, vous devez disposer d’un compte sur le registre officiel. Vous pouvez créer un compte en visitant le site web du registre.

Espace de noms

A package must be uploaded to a given namespace. If you don’t have a namespace yet, you need to create one on the website first. A user can have multiple namespaces and a namespace can accomodate multiple packages.


After having created a namespace, you will need to generate a token to upload a package to that namespace. You can do this on the website as well. The token is used to authenticate the upload and is linked to your username. Do not share the token with anyone else. The token also expires after a certain amount of time. You can generate a new token after the old one has expired.

Version du projet

Un paquet doit spécifier une version semver valide dans son manifeste.

Vous pouvez vérifier la version du paquet en exécutant fpm publish --show-package-version avant de le publier.

Licence du projet

Un paquet doit spécifier une licence SPDX valide dans son manifeste.

Droits de téléversement

Users can upload a package to a namespace if they are either an admin or maintainer of the namespace or a maintainer of the package. Namespace admins can grant namespace admin and maintainer rights to other users. Users can be granted maintainer rights for individual packages by namespace admins, maintainers, and package maintainers.


fpm will create a tarball and upload the package to the registry with all the requirements being met.

Show package version

To check the version of the package, run fpm publish --show-package-version.

Show upload data

You can see all the data being sent to the registry before uploading by running fpm publish --show-upload-data. The token will be included if you specify it on the command line (fpm publish --show-upload-data --token <token>). No network request will be performed. A tarball will be created, which you can inspect before publishing.

Dry run

A dry run can be performed with fpm publish --token <token> --dry-run. This will create the tarball and simulate the upload without publishing the package to the registry. The package and the token will be verified by the registry, and you will be provided with the path to the locally created tarball for inspection. By including the --verbose flag, you will be able to see all the data being sent to the registry.


To publish a package, run fpm publish --token <token> using the token you generated on the website. You can as well include the --verbose flag to see all the data being sent to the registry.